I mentioned
last week that if you want to work on forgiving someone for something really
heavy, there are more steps.Today's post will cover these.
It is said that we have an actual energetic
connection to anyone who has wronged us, and it’s always to one or more
specific parts of our body. True or not, this is a really powerful and useful idea
to work with in practicing forgiveness.
The steps that involve this idea simply slot into the steps I gave you in the first part of this post. I'll put them all together at the end; for now, lets explore working with the energetic connection we have to anyone who may have wronged us.
Begin by allowing your awareness to float over
your body and identify an area where you feel connected to the wrongdoer. The
location of this area is not limited to one of the commonly described energy
centres, (for example the chakras) and can be on any part of your body.
You will recognise it instinctively, so trust your
instincts. Sometimes there will be a physical sensation that you somehow know marks
a point of connection. At other times
your attention will be drawn to a place on your body that feels no different
physically, yet you have a strong sense that it is a point of connection. Trust
that feeling.
When you have identified such an area, you need to
imagine a rope, a thread, a chain, a tube of light, anything that in the
exercise would connect the image you have of the other person to the area of
connection on your body.
At this stage allow your imagination free rein and
accept whatever it gives you as a ‘connector’, however bizarre. Once you have
decided on what it is that connects you, bring the image of that person to mind
again and imagine yourself saying to them the following words:
claim back my energy, and I return your energy to you.’
(At this point there’s normally a sense of relief
and a feeling of lightening.)
Now what you do is ‘cut the connector’ and I’ve
written it in that form because you will need to imagine a way of cutting the connector
that is appropriate. Thus if you imagined a heavy steel chain connecting you,
you may find that if you then imagine cutting it with a pair of nail scissors
won’t do the trick.
Again allow your imagination to run things here, and
let it sever the connection in whatever way it wishes. Allow any bit of
connecting material still attached to you to dissolve and evaporate.
Now do the step where you imagine yourself saying to
the wrong doer, as you maintain eye contact, the following words:
release you to the light' and see them float away smiling.
At this point you will
again feel relief and release. As before, it may be that that’s all you have to
do and you find that when you now think of the other person, you feel absolutely
no emotion rising and your work will be done.
However, if you feel
some disturbing emotion, you need to repeat the exercise. If you decide to
repeat it the same day, do it in exactly the same way. If you decide to come
back another day, when you get to Step Four, scan your body to see if there is
another area of connection to that person. If there is, work with that area. If
there isn’t another area, work with the original area you identified.
Here is the process,
step by step:
Bring to mind the person you need to forgive and as
before, your first step is to imagine them standing before you…
STEP ONE: Imagine the person you need to forgive
standing before you.
STEP TWO: Imagine making and maintaining eye contact
with them while saying the following
forgive myself and I forgive you.’
STEP THREE: Imagine then smiling at you.
STEP FOUR: Allow your awareness to float over your
own body and notice any area on your body from which you feel connected to the
person you’re forgiving.
STEP FIVE: Imagine an actual ‘thing’ such as a rope,
a chain, a thread a tube of light, for example, connecting the two of you.
STEP SIX: Imagine yourself saying to that person,
claim back my energy, and I return your energy to you’
STEP SIX: Imagine yourself cutting the connection in
a way that is appropriate.
STEP SEVEN: Imagine you have eye contact with the wrongdoer again and see them smile at you
and say to them,
release you to the light,’
Now see them smile at
you and begin to float away into the distance.
Repeat as necessary
following advice in the first part of today’s post.
That’s it. I love this
little hack because it’s so individual. It's possible to feel connected from
the anywhere on your body, and the thing you visualise as a ‘connector can be radically different from anything I could imagine. The language of the imagination will determine these things and if
you go with your imagination, the exercise will become simpler and more powerful with not
much practice.
Have a play and see
what happens. As always, feel free to ask questions or make comments. If you’d
like to ask a question or have some help with tweaking the hack and don’t want
to go public, you can e mail me at horsefriendrex@gmail.com.
I’ll treat any e mails as confidential.
Thanks for reading.
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